
Who is this Guy and Why Do I Care What He Thinks?

Steve (that’s me – I use the third person so I can say good things about myself as if someone else was saying them) is one of the most brilliant thinkers of our time (see?). He has “slipped the surly bonds” as an Air Force pilot, sold liquor, sold Bibles, sold insurance and suits, built multimedia entertainment and educational programs, taught flying and fighting, and taught at two small colleges, graduate school test prep and in Sunday school. He’s got an advanced degree in communication that hasn’t done him much professional good…so far. He’s been in church lay leadership and in parachurch ministry leadership.

Well, enough about him and what he’s done, I’d like to talk about me and who I am. I’m a regular guy who struggles with life sometimes, and at others is overwhelmed with the grace of God. I am incredibly broken and indubitably blessed. I care about people for whom I too often show disgust. I’m impatient naturally, sometimes monstrously. I am often too hard on myself and more often not hard enough to make a change. By self-study, my theology is orthodox (right belief), but my orthopraxy (right practice) falls well short of my standard. Sometimes I like to think I am a “work in progress,” but exacerbated by my impatience, I see little work and little progress.

Lost Cause?

Most certainly not. You see, I don’t live there. That is, I know the truth of my last paragraph, but there’s an even truer truth. With all my moral wreckage, both objectively proven, and experientially felt, there is someone whose past work puts shine and gloss and smooth lines where there were (are) scratches and dents and rusty decay. Moreover, his current work replaces and renews and improves (albeit beyond my sight at times). His past work declares me better than new, perfect in fact, while his present and future work promises to actually get me there. I’m “declared” already perfect while I’m still being perfected. It’s almost too good to be true.

Explicitly, Jesus’ person and work is the crescendo of the Father’s plan, and the Spirit continues to bring it (everything planned, everything promised) to pass in the lives of those who believe.


The tagline for this blog was originally “Cogitation Agitation.” Cogitation is simply “thinking deeply.” Agitation, for my purposes is “stirring or disturbing.” I recently changed this tagline to “Misshapen Clay” because that’s more descriptive of me. Regardless, this endeavor is solely intended to get people thinking…and feeling…and laughing…and getting, when warranted, agitated. My intent is never to dispel true comfort, only false comfort.

[Note: I have been blessed with a recent opportunity to provide bi-weekly columns in my local paper’s “Faith” section. Much of that material is therefore repurposed here.]

My hope is that my thoughts might get readers to really think about the issues I discuss. I’ll share deeply personal experiences, even my myriad faults and foibles, add social commentary when applicable, and occasionally poke fun at man in general or people (self included) in particular. If what I write is not compelling, maybe it’s interesting, and if not interesting, maybe it’s funny. Maybe it will be all three. Either way, with me or with someone else, please stop to think about what matters most. Who are you? Whose are you? Why are you here?

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